Muhammad Farrukh
Muhammad Farrukh
Director Treasury and Corporate Finance


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The Borrowers Panel - Navigating the Expanding Landscape:

Muhammad Farrukh
Director Treasury and Corporate Finance,
Omar Qasim
Director – Head of Funding Advisory Section, Global Capital Financing Division,
Mohammed Alyousef
Head of Corporate Finance,
Saudi Electricity Company
Manav Futnani
Global Co-Head of Export Finance,

Deals in MENA are becoming both richer and more diverse with the rise of more renewable deals and a boom in markets such as Saudi Arabia; it is most certainly a period for both growth and opportunity in the Export Finance market, but how can we capitalize on this movement? Join our panelists as they discuss:
- What does the pipeline look like for Borrowers in the MENA Export Finance Market?
- Have changes to the OECD consensus and the availability of longer tenors made the ECA market a more attractive proposition for borrowers?
- What impact has the rise in untied transactions in the region had on the appetite of borrowers in the region?
- What impact have the increasing levels of ESG scrutiny had on access to export finance?


A Look to the Horizon – Exploring Opportunities in the Frontier Markets

Muhammad Farrukh
Director Treasury and Corporate Finance,
Layali Abdeen
Senior Underwriter,
MIGA - Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
Christopher Cantelmi
Principal, Natural Resources & Infrastructure,
IFC World Bank Group
Bruce Johnson
Director, Structured Finance, Treasury and Insurance,
Masdar Energy
Zishan Iqbal

Whilst GCC countries play a particularly significant role in the increasing prominence of the MENA region, we cannot forget to look to the frontier markets such as India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and more, all of which present some unique and exciting opportunities to help foster growth. With projects in the pipeline and some reaching financial close, its time to take a closer look at some of these frontier markets and see where the opportunities are:
- What opportunities are there for Financiers to become active in frontier markets?
- How significant are the roles of ECA’s and DFIs in ensuring transactions can proceed in these countries?
- Do institutions need to rethink ESG policies to ensure frontier markets can effectively transition away from fossil fuels?