06 March 2024

Women in Export, Project and Development Finance Breakfast Roundtable

Cristina Bergomi
GE Vernova
Apurva Kulkarni
JP Morgan

We kick off day 2 of MENA 2024 with a women in finance workshop. Join us for an interactive workshop style session led by female financing leaders delving further into the challenges surrounding being a woman in the finance world - network with peers grab some breakfast and join what will be a fantastic and insightful discussion. 


Opening Remarks

Welcome back to MENA - Agency, Energy and Infrastructure Finance 2024.


Exile Group Data Review

Dominik Kloiber
Exile Group

Join us for an interactive session breaking down some of Exile's market leading data. We will break down key trends, challenges and topics in both export and project finance


Country in Focus: Saudi Arabia

Madiha Aslam
Director, Structured Finance,
Michal Ron
Chief International Business Officer,
Rodolphe de Lambertye
Managing Director - Head of Origination Global Export & Agency Finance,

With mega deals in Saudi being a major contributor to the YoY growth in volume for the MENA region, it is clear that Saudi Arabia is clearly a hub for energy and infrastructure. With a tangible set of closed deals in KSA has been a trailblazer of activity for the region and there is no sign of slowing down. Join our panellists as they discuss:
- What does the project pipeline look like in Saudi Arabia?
 - What role does ECAs / DFIs and the other key stakeholders in the region have to play in ensuring the Saudi market growth continues?
 - With the unavoidable oil and gas transactions in the region, how can institutions stay on top of ESGs whilst still conducting business in Saudi. What about the use of new technologies ?
 - As part of the Vision 2030 objectives, how critical is the attraction of local talents ?


Networking Break

Grab a coffee and don't miss the chance to explore potential deals and new connections with the who’s who of the market. Network with the executives you need to meet in order to get your next project over the line!


A Look to the Horizon – Exploring Opportunities in the Frontier Markets

Muhammad Farrukh
Director Treasury and Corporate Finance,
Layali Abdeen
Head of Middle East and Egypt,
MIGA - Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
Christopher Cantelmi
Principal, Natural Resources & Infrastructure,
IFC World Bank Group
Bruce Johnson
Director, Corporate Finance and Treasury,
Masdar of Abu Dhabi
Zishan Iqbal

Whilst GCC countries play a particularly significant role in the increasing prominence of the MENA region, we cannot forget to look to the frontier markets such as India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and more, all of which present some unique and exciting opportunities to help foster growth. With projects in the pipeline and some reaching financial close, its time to take a closer look at some of these frontier markets and see where the opportunities are:
- What opportunities are there for Financiers to become active in frontier markets?
- How significant are the roles of ECA’s and DFIs in ensuring transactions can proceed in these countries?
- Do institutions need to rethink ESG policies to ensure frontier markets can effectively transition away from fossil fuels?


Charting Tomorrow: MENA’s Trade, Export Finance and COP28 Momentum

Hanan Sakr
Head of Private Sector Partnership,
UAE Climate Change Special Envoy
Decarbonization Leader - Middle East & Africa,
GE Vernova
Mustafa Bosca
Co Founder & CEO,
Vineet Gupta
Director - Treasury,
Semih Ozkan
Executive Director | EMEA Energy, Power, Renewables, Metals & Mining,
JP Morgan

The UAE Consensus has reshaped the energy landscape, presenting a transformative vision for the future in the region and beyond. This panel discussion delves into key aspects of the COP28 and the UAE Consensus, exploring the intricate interplay of energy transition, security, affordability in the context of new energy and value chains:

·       Understanding how COP28 mandates an increase in adaptation finance to address urgent climate change needs

·       Examining strategies to address energy trilemma – transition, security and affordability

·       Assessing the impact of COP28 on the new energy and associated global supply chains

·       Exploring policy and investment strategies to meet substantial emission reduction targets

·       Discussing initiatives to make climate finance more accessible and mobilize pledges, along with innovative financing models


Closing Remarks

And thats a wrap! Thank you for attending MENA 2024!


Export Finance Leaders Lunch

This exclusive invite only session will bring together regional and global export finance leaders for a behind closed doors lunch which is a fantastic opportunity to network with peers, discuss the MENA market and reflect on the past 2 days.

Confirmed attendees include:
- Bank of America
- BPI France
- DZ Bank
- German Emirati Joint council for Industry & Commerce
- Standard Chartered Bank
- Societe Generale

This is an invite only session, to enquire about attendance please email max.kallmeier@exilegroup.com

05 March 2024

Opening Remarks

Hesham Zakai
Managing Director,
Exile Group

Exile Groups Managing Director Hesham Zakai welcomes you to MENA 2024 - Agency, Energy and Infrastructure Finance! Join us as we set the scene and look ahead to what is going to be a fantastic couple of days of networking and business critical content!


Keynote Host Welcome: Diversification Dynamics: Shaping MENA’s Export Finance Future

H.E. Raja Al Mazrouei
Etihad Credit Insurance (ECI)
Khalil Al Mansoori
Director General,
Abu Dhabi Exports Office (ADEX)

MENA represents an incredibly exciting opportunities for trade and export finance markets to continue to thrive and grow. Join us as we set the scene for the region with an opening keynote presentation discussing:
- The positive impact the growing demand for financing is set to have on the region.
- How the diversification of exports and deal flow out of the region will support the growth of MENA’s Export & Project Finance Markets.
- How will borrowers’ growing desires for untied transactions shape ECA business in the region?


Geopolitical Keynote

Robert Besseling
Pangea Risk

Political uncertainty is a key talking point in the Middle East currently with so many areas to discuss from  Palestine to Yemen, Lebanon and more and it is critical that we are able to stay on top of such topical and crucial issues in the region. Join us for a geopolitical keynote presentation looking holistically at some of the key macroeconomic and geopolitical issues affecting the region and walk away with a far more tangible understanding of the current state of play and what to expect in the months ahead.


The Borrowers Panel - Navigating the Expanding Landscape:

Muhammad Farrukh
Director Treasury and Corporate Finance,
Omar Qasim
Global Capital Financing Division,
Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia
Mohammed Alyousef
Head of Corporate Finance,
Saudi Electricity Company (SEC)
Manav Futnani
Global Head of Export Finance,

Deals in MENA are becoming both richer and more diverse with the rise of more renewable deals and a boom in markets such as Saudi Arabia; it is most certainly a period for both growth and opportunity in the Export Finance market, but how can we capitalize on this movement? Join our panelists as they discuss:
- What does the pipeline look like for Borrowers in the MENA Export Finance Market?
- Have changes to the OECD consensus and the availability of longer tenors made the ECA market a more attractive proposition for borrowers?
- What impact has the rise in untied transactions in the region had on the appetite of borrowers in the region?
- What impact have the increasing levels of ESG scrutiny had on access to export finance?


Networking Break

Grab a coffee and don't miss the chance to explore potential deals and new connections with the who’s who of the market. Network with the executives you need to meet in order to get your next project over the line!


The Regional ECAs Outlook - A Vision for Sustained Growth

Ivan Perea
Standard Chartered Bank
Majed Julfar
Director of Trade Credit Insurance and Export financing,
Etihad Credit Insurance (ECI)
Mohamed Al-Jalahma
Sr Manager of International Finance and Credit Insurance,
Qatar Development Bank (QDB)
Natasha Saleh
Project Manager,
Abu Dhabi Exports Office (ADEX)
Ibrahim Chammat
Director - Global Trade Finance,
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC)

We have seen a phenomenal rise in activity from local ECAs in the region who are supporting the market as it grows from strength to strength. We will unite the leading regional ECAs to discuss:
- How have the pipelines of regional ECAs changed and increased as they look to promote more non-oil and gas exports?
- How have regional ECAs products supported their growth?
- Discuss the importance of collaboration with international ECAs and other financial institutions.

Proximo: Project Finance

Keynote Sustainability Panel: A closer look at the roadmap to a Net 0 MENA

Rita Ricciardi
Business Advisor,
Bergs & More
Somshekhar Wachche
Senior Manager, Project Finance,
ACWA Power
Eva Steinhaus
Representative of the German ECA in the MENA Region, Pakistan,
German Emirati Joint Council for Industry & Commerce (AHK)
Humaya Harati
Director - Structured Trade Export Finance,
Deutsche Bank

It is clear that meeting sustainability and net 0 targets is of paramount importance to MENA, and the world at large, region but how do we get there? Join our panellists for a session covering the growing momentum behind of ESG in the MENA region touching on key points in driving sustainable and net 0 goals such as:
- Reflect on COP28 and more generally, what does a roadmap to a net 0 MENA look like?
- How far are we from Hydrogen and other emerging technologies playing a larger role in the MENA energy transition story?
- The increasing importance of battery storage as the MENA region scales renewables portfolios.
- What do renewables pipelines look like in the region with the growth could we see a rise in PPAs to help manage energy distribution for the energy capacity needed to get to net 0?


Keynote Financing Panel - Unlocking Capital

Aflah Allawati
VP Treasury,
Eileen Ng
Director - Origination, Asia and Middle East,
Plenary Group
Eid Nagib
Head of Development Structured & Export Finance for Middle East, Europe & CIS,
Societe Generale
Graham Scopes
Country Head - UAE & Kuwait,
UK Export Finance

With an increase in pipelines and overall deal volume there is no better time to highlight some of the institutions financing the regions growth. Join us as we unite the regions leading project financiers to discuss:
- The increasing importance of hedging tools particularly in a high interest rate environment.
- What do pipelines in the MENA region look like – what asset classes are we seeing as most common.
- How can different project finance structures provide the security necessary to get projects to financial close.
- Assess the impact of the liquidity rich environment financiers are operating in currently.

Proximo: Project Finance

Country in Focus: Egypt

Nader Ragheb
VP & Group Treasurer,
Orascom Constructions
Christopher Cantelmi
Principal, Natural Resources & Infrastructure,
IFC World Bank Group
Maninder Bhandari
Derby Group

Egypt is a hub of activity for the MENA region, with lots of CAPEX available across a variety of sectors. Join us as we unite some of the most active players to discuss:
- What asset classes and projects are most commonly reaching financial close in Egypt?
- How have challenges such as inflation impacted project pipelines and timelines?
- What role do DFIs have to play in supporting transactions in Egypt?

Proximo: Project Finance

Project Finance Leaders Lunch Roundable

This exclusive lunch will unite project financiers to discuss the key topics, trends and opportunities across the MENA project finance space.

This session is invite only, if you are interested in joining and would like to apply to attend please email Max.kallmeier@exilegroup.com


The International ECAs Panel - Funding the growth

Janusz Wladyczak
Zou Runmo
Deputy Chief Representative, Dubai Office of Sinosure,
Sinosure - China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation
Rafael Montero
Underwriter. Large Accounts. State Account Business Division,
CESCE Credit Insurance
Ines Deval
Export Development Advisor, MENAT,
Marina Grigorieva
ING Bank

TXF Intelligence shows that 2023 has been a great year for the MENA Export finance market with $14.5 Bn closed already this year compared to $9.5BN in the whole of 2022 * This illustrates the fantastic job done by ECAs and the export finance community to grow the region. Join us as we unite some of the international ECAs active in MENA to discuss:
- What can ECAs do to support borrowers with untied products and how can this promote the growth of the Export Finance Market?
- How can emerging and green technology deals be structured to include ECA facilities? Can ECAs help more with taking on risk to ensure these deals can reach financial close?
- How can ECAs product offerings help to both support business across the GCC nations and Frontier markets in the region?

* accurate as of October 2023.


The Exporters Panel - A Customers Perspective

Rushdi Ali
Executive Commercial Finance Director,
GE Power
Imran Saeed
Head of Treasury & Corporate Finance- Middle East & Africa,
Siemens Energy
Paul Woodman
Innovo Group
Pauline Morin
General Manager, Growth & Development for Africa & Europe,
Elie El Hayek
Business Development Director for Middle East,
Head of Export Credit,

You’ve heard from the ECA’s now its time to hear from the exporters. We will unite some of the region’s most active exporters to discuss:
- What support do exporters feel like they need from their ECA’s and financiers to increase activity in the region?
- How significant have growing ESG concerns been to business in the region?
- Where do exporters see the biggest opportunity for growth in the MENA region.


Networking Break

Grab a coffee and don't miss the chance to explore potential deals and new connections with the who’s who of the market. Network with the executives you need to meet in order to get your next project over the line!


Boosting Middle East-Africa Trade and Partnership

Hesham Zakai
Managing Director,
Exile Group
Melanie Lawrence
Senior Manager,

In this closing keynote conversation, TXF’s Hesham Zakai speaks to Afreximbank’s Melanie Lawrence about the landscape for trade, exports and infrastructure financing in Africa. What is the current macroeconomic environment and how is it impacting dealmaking? How are the challenges, such as Egypt’s FX struggles, being mitigated? How is Afreximbank working with counterparties and financial institutions in the Middle East? What structures and credit enhancement techniques have helped to faciltiate dealflow and how can more organisations get involved? Which market participants can benefit from de-risking tools that are being increasingly utilised in Africa? And finally what are the sector priorities in the region, from healthcare to food security?


Deal of the Year Case Study: Ras Ghareb Wind

Parag Narsingkar
Head, Acquisitions, Investments & Financial Advisory MENA,
Nader Ragheb
VP & Group Treasurer,
Orascom Constructions

Join us for a closing keynote panel uniting stakeholders from our Proximo MENA renewables deal of the year Ras Ghareb Wind > https://www.proximoinfra.com/d... to break down the transaction from conception to completion, discuss key talking points and takeaways and celebrate the hard work on reaching financial close in such a fantastic deal

04 March 2024

Pre Event Networking Activity - Lost Chambers Aquarium

Build up to our Icebreaker reception with a trip to the Lost Chambers Aquarium. Delegates will meet one of our Exile staff there for a 5pm start to explore the chambers. Only 18 tickets remain so RSVP here > https://forms.gle/jXE67XDLUakH7vVR7 


Welcome Icebreaker Networking Reception

Join us for an evening of networking at our official icebreaker at the beautiful Cana by Tamoka beach bar, shake hands, exchange business cards and prepare for a fantastic 2 days ahead!

RSVP Here > https://forms.gle/jXE67XDLUakH7vVR7 


Pre Event Networking Activity - Lost Chambers Aquarium

Build up to our Icebreaker reception with a trip to the Lost Chambers Aquarium. Delegates will meet one of our Exile staff there for a 5pm start to explore the chambers. Only 18 tickets remain so RSVP here > https://forms.gle/jXE67XDLUakH7vVR7 


Welcome Icebreaker Networking Reception

Join us for an evening of networking at our official icebreaker at the beautiful Cana by Tamoka beach bar, shake hands, exchange business cards and prepare for a fantastic 2 days ahead!

RSVP Here > https://forms.gle/jXE67XDLUakH7vVR7 


Opening Remarks

Hesham Zakai
Managing Director,
Exile Group

Exile Groups Managing Director Hesham Zakai welcomes you to MENA 2024 - Agency, Energy and Infrastructure Finance! Join us as we set the scene and look ahead to what is going to be a fantastic couple of days of networking and business critical content!


Keynote Host Welcome: Diversification Dynamics: Shaping MENA’s Export Finance Future

H.E. Raja Al Mazrouei
Etihad Credit Insurance (ECI)
Khalil Al Mansoori
Director General,
Abu Dhabi Exports Office (ADEX)

MENA represents an incredibly exciting opportunities for trade and export finance markets to continue to thrive and grow. Join us as we set the scene for the region with an opening keynote presentation discussing:
- The positive impact the growing demand for financing is set to have on the region.
- How the diversification of exports and deal flow out of the region will support the growth of MENA’s Export & Project Finance Markets.
- How will borrowers’ growing desires for untied transactions shape ECA business in the region?


Geopolitical Keynote

Robert Besseling
Pangea Risk

Political uncertainty is a key talking point in the Middle East currently with so many areas to discuss from  Palestine to Yemen, Lebanon and more and it is critical that we are able to stay on top of such topical and crucial issues in the region. Join us for a geopolitical keynote presentation looking holistically at some of the key macroeconomic and geopolitical issues affecting the region and walk away with a far more tangible understanding of the current state of play and what to expect in the months ahead.


The Borrowers Panel - Navigating the Expanding Landscape:

Muhammad Farrukh
Director Treasury and Corporate Finance,
Omar Qasim
Global Capital Financing Division,
Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia
Mohammed Alyousef
Head of Corporate Finance,
Saudi Electricity Company (SEC)
Manav Futnani
Global Head of Export Finance,

Deals in MENA are becoming both richer and more diverse with the rise of more renewable deals and a boom in markets such as Saudi Arabia; it is most certainly a period for both growth and opportunity in the Export Finance market, but how can we capitalize on this movement? Join our panelists as they discuss:
- What does the pipeline look like for Borrowers in the MENA Export Finance Market?
- Have changes to the OECD consensus and the availability of longer tenors made the ECA market a more attractive proposition for borrowers?
- What impact has the rise in untied transactions in the region had on the appetite of borrowers in the region?
- What impact have the increasing levels of ESG scrutiny had on access to export finance?


Networking Break

Grab a coffee and don't miss the chance to explore potential deals and new connections with the who’s who of the market. Network with the executives you need to meet in order to get your next project over the line!


The Regional ECAs Outlook - A Vision for Sustained Growth

Ivan Perea
Standard Chartered Bank
Majed Julfar
Director of Trade Credit Insurance and Export financing,
Etihad Credit Insurance (ECI)
Mohamed Al-Jalahma
Sr Manager of International Finance and Credit Insurance,
Qatar Development Bank (QDB)
Natasha Saleh
Project Manager,
Abu Dhabi Exports Office (ADEX)
Ibrahim Chammat
Director - Global Trade Finance,
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC)

We have seen a phenomenal rise in activity from local ECAs in the region who are supporting the market as it grows from strength to strength. We will unite the leading regional ECAs to discuss:
- How have the pipelines of regional ECAs changed and increased as they look to promote more non-oil and gas exports?
- How have regional ECAs products supported their growth?
- Discuss the importance of collaboration with international ECAs and other financial institutions.

Proximo: Project Finance

Keynote Sustainability Panel: A closer look at the roadmap to a Net 0 MENA

Rita Ricciardi
Business Advisor,
Bergs & More
Somshekhar Wachche
Senior Manager, Project Finance,
ACWA Power
Eva Steinhaus
Representative of the German ECA in the MENA Region, Pakistan,
German Emirati Joint Council for Industry & Commerce (AHK)
Humaya Harati
Director - Structured Trade Export Finance,
Deutsche Bank

It is clear that meeting sustainability and net 0 targets is of paramount importance to MENA, and the world at large, region but how do we get there? Join our panellists for a session covering the growing momentum behind of ESG in the MENA region touching on key points in driving sustainable and net 0 goals such as:
- Reflect on COP28 and more generally, what does a roadmap to a net 0 MENA look like?
- How far are we from Hydrogen and other emerging technologies playing a larger role in the MENA energy transition story?
- The increasing importance of battery storage as the MENA region scales renewables portfolios.
- What do renewables pipelines look like in the region with the growth could we see a rise in PPAs to help manage energy distribution for the energy capacity needed to get to net 0?


Keynote Financing Panel - Unlocking Capital

Aflah Allawati
VP Treasury,
Eileen Ng
Director - Origination, Asia and Middle East,
Plenary Group
Eid Nagib
Head of Development Structured & Export Finance for Middle East, Europe & CIS,
Societe Generale
Graham Scopes
Country Head - UAE & Kuwait,
UK Export Finance

With an increase in pipelines and overall deal volume there is no better time to highlight some of the institutions financing the regions growth. Join us as we unite the regions leading project financiers to discuss:
- The increasing importance of hedging tools particularly in a high interest rate environment.
- What do pipelines in the MENA region look like – what asset classes are we seeing as most common.
- How can different project finance structures provide the security necessary to get projects to financial close.
- Assess the impact of the liquidity rich environment financiers are operating in currently.

Proximo: Project Finance

Country in Focus: Egypt

Nader Ragheb
VP & Group Treasurer,
Orascom Constructions
Christopher Cantelmi
Principal, Natural Resources & Infrastructure,
IFC World Bank Group
Maninder Bhandari
Derby Group

Egypt is a hub of activity for the MENA region, with lots of CAPEX available across a variety of sectors. Join us as we unite some of the most active players to discuss:
- What asset classes and projects are most commonly reaching financial close in Egypt?
- How have challenges such as inflation impacted project pipelines and timelines?
- What role do DFIs have to play in supporting transactions in Egypt?

Proximo: Project Finance

Project Finance Leaders Lunch Roundable

This exclusive lunch will unite project financiers to discuss the key topics, trends and opportunities across the MENA project finance space.

This session is invite only, if you are interested in joining and would like to apply to attend please email Max.kallmeier@exilegroup.com


The International ECAs Panel - Funding the growth

Janusz Wladyczak
Zou Runmo
Deputy Chief Representative, Dubai Office of Sinosure,
Sinosure - China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation
Rafael Montero
Underwriter. Large Accounts. State Account Business Division,
CESCE Credit Insurance
Ines Deval
Export Development Advisor, MENAT,
Marina Grigorieva
ING Bank

TXF Intelligence shows that 2023 has been a great year for the MENA Export finance market with $14.5 Bn closed already this year compared to $9.5BN in the whole of 2022 * This illustrates the fantastic job done by ECAs and the export finance community to grow the region. Join us as we unite some of the international ECAs active in MENA to discuss:
- What can ECAs do to support borrowers with untied products and how can this promote the growth of the Export Finance Market?
- How can emerging and green technology deals be structured to include ECA facilities? Can ECAs help more with taking on risk to ensure these deals can reach financial close?
- How can ECAs product offerings help to both support business across the GCC nations and Frontier markets in the region?

* accurate as of October 2023.


The Exporters Panel - A Customers Perspective

Rushdi Ali
Executive Commercial Finance Director,
GE Power
Imran Saeed
Head of Treasury & Corporate Finance- Middle East & Africa,
Siemens Energy
Paul Woodman
Innovo Group
Pauline Morin
General Manager, Growth & Development for Africa & Europe,
Elie El Hayek
Business Development Director for Middle East,
Head of Export Credit,

You’ve heard from the ECA’s now its time to hear from the exporters. We will unite some of the region’s most active exporters to discuss:
- What support do exporters feel like they need from their ECA’s and financiers to increase activity in the region?
- How significant have growing ESG concerns been to business in the region?
- Where do exporters see the biggest opportunity for growth in the MENA region.


Networking Break

Grab a coffee and don't miss the chance to explore potential deals and new connections with the who’s who of the market. Network with the executives you need to meet in order to get your next project over the line!


Boosting Middle East-Africa Trade and Partnership

Hesham Zakai
Managing Director,
Exile Group
Melanie Lawrence
Senior Manager,

In this closing keynote conversation, TXF’s Hesham Zakai speaks to Afreximbank’s Melanie Lawrence about the landscape for trade, exports and infrastructure financing in Africa. What is the current macroeconomic environment and how is it impacting dealmaking? How are the challenges, such as Egypt’s FX struggles, being mitigated? How is Afreximbank working with counterparties and financial institutions in the Middle East? What structures and credit enhancement techniques have helped to faciltiate dealflow and how can more organisations get involved? Which market participants can benefit from de-risking tools that are being increasingly utilised in Africa? And finally what are the sector priorities in the region, from healthcare to food security?


Deal of the Year Case Study: Ras Ghareb Wind

Parag Narsingkar
Head, Acquisitions, Investments & Financial Advisory MENA,
Nader Ragheb
VP & Group Treasurer,
Orascom Constructions

Join us for a closing keynote panel uniting stakeholders from our Proximo MENA renewables deal of the year Ras Ghareb Wind > https://www.proximoinfra.com/d... to break down the transaction from conception to completion, discuss key talking points and takeaways and celebrate the hard work on reaching financial close in such a fantastic deal


Women in Export, Project and Development Finance Breakfast Roundtable

Cristina Bergomi
GE Vernova
Apurva Kulkarni
JP Morgan

We kick off day 2 of MENA 2024 with a women in finance workshop. Join us for an interactive workshop style session led by female financing leaders delving further into the challenges surrounding being a woman in the finance world - network with peers grab some breakfast and join what will be a fantastic and insightful discussion. 


Opening Remarks

Welcome back to MENA - Agency, Energy and Infrastructure Finance 2024.


Exile Group Data Review

Dominik Kloiber
Exile Group

Join us for an interactive session breaking down some of Exile's market leading data. We will break down key trends, challenges and topics in both export and project finance


Country in Focus: Saudi Arabia

Madiha Aslam
Director, Structured Finance,
Michal Ron
Chief International Business Officer,
Rodolphe de Lambertye
Managing Director - Head of Origination Global Export & Agency Finance,

With mega deals in Saudi being a major contributor to the YoY growth in volume for the MENA region, it is clear that Saudi Arabia is clearly a hub for energy and infrastructure. With a tangible set of closed deals in KSA has been a trailblazer of activity for the region and there is no sign of slowing down. Join our panellists as they discuss:
- What does the project pipeline look like in Saudi Arabia?
 - What role does ECAs / DFIs and the other key stakeholders in the region have to play in ensuring the Saudi market growth continues?
 - With the unavoidable oil and gas transactions in the region, how can institutions stay on top of ESGs whilst still conducting business in Saudi. What about the use of new technologies ?
 - As part of the Vision 2030 objectives, how critical is the attraction of local talents ?


Networking Break

Grab a coffee and don't miss the chance to explore potential deals and new connections with the who’s who of the market. Network with the executives you need to meet in order to get your next project over the line!


A Look to the Horizon – Exploring Opportunities in the Frontier Markets

Muhammad Farrukh
Director Treasury and Corporate Finance,
Layali Abdeen
Head of Middle East and Egypt,
MIGA - Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
Christopher Cantelmi
Principal, Natural Resources & Infrastructure,
IFC World Bank Group
Bruce Johnson
Director, Corporate Finance and Treasury,
Masdar of Abu Dhabi
Zishan Iqbal

Whilst GCC countries play a particularly significant role in the increasing prominence of the MENA region, we cannot forget to look to the frontier markets such as India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and more, all of which present some unique and exciting opportunities to help foster growth. With projects in the pipeline and some reaching financial close, its time to take a closer look at some of these frontier markets and see where the opportunities are:
- What opportunities are there for Financiers to become active in frontier markets?
- How significant are the roles of ECA’s and DFIs in ensuring transactions can proceed in these countries?
- Do institutions need to rethink ESG policies to ensure frontier markets can effectively transition away from fossil fuels?


Charting Tomorrow: MENA’s Trade, Export Finance and COP28 Momentum

Hanan Sakr
Head of Private Sector Partnership,
UAE Climate Change Special Envoy
Decarbonization Leader - Middle East & Africa,
GE Vernova
Mustafa Bosca
Co Founder & CEO,
Vineet Gupta
Director - Treasury,
Semih Ozkan
Executive Director | EMEA Energy, Power, Renewables, Metals & Mining,
JP Morgan

The UAE Consensus has reshaped the energy landscape, presenting a transformative vision for the future in the region and beyond. This panel discussion delves into key aspects of the COP28 and the UAE Consensus, exploring the intricate interplay of energy transition, security, affordability in the context of new energy and value chains:

·       Understanding how COP28 mandates an increase in adaptation finance to address urgent climate change needs

·       Examining strategies to address energy trilemma – transition, security and affordability

·       Assessing the impact of COP28 on the new energy and associated global supply chains

·       Exploring policy and investment strategies to meet substantial emission reduction targets

·       Discussing initiatives to make climate finance more accessible and mobilize pledges, along with innovative financing models


Closing Remarks

And thats a wrap! Thank you for attending MENA 2024!


Export Finance Leaders Lunch

This exclusive invite only session will bring together regional and global export finance leaders for a behind closed doors lunch which is a fantastic opportunity to network with peers, discuss the MENA market and reflect on the past 2 days.

Confirmed attendees include:
- Bank of America
- BPI France
- DZ Bank
- German Emirati Joint council for Industry & Commerce
- Standard Chartered Bank
- Societe Generale

This is an invite only session, to enquire about attendance please email max.kallmeier@exilegroup.com

This agenda is subject to change at any time.