Mohammed Alyousef
Mohammed Alyousef
Head of Corporate Finance

Saudi Electricity Company

Saudi Arabia

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The Borrowers Panel - Navigating the Expanding Landscape:

Muhammad Farrukh
Director Treasury and Corporate Finance,
Omar Qasim
Director – Head of Funding Advisory Section, Global Capital Financing Division,
Mohammed Alyousef
Head of Corporate Finance,
Saudi Electricity Company
Manav Futnani
Global Co-Head of Export Finance,

Deals in MENA are becoming both richer and more diverse with the rise of more renewable deals and a boom in markets such as Saudi Arabia; it is most certainly a period for both growth and opportunity in the Export Finance market, but how can we capitalize on this movement? Join our panelists as they discuss:
- What does the pipeline look like for Borrowers in the MENA Export Finance Market?
- Have changes to the OECD consensus and the availability of longer tenors made the ECA market a more attractive proposition for borrowers?
- What impact has the rise in untied transactions in the region had on the appetite of borrowers in the region?
- What impact have the increasing levels of ESG scrutiny had on access to export finance?